The Purple Banner; The Greenland
and The Royal Blue Cape.
The Purple Banner
The Purple Banner – Book Cover
Alice Agada
Alice Agada
Many people that are dealing with traumatic experiences often encounter difficulties in identifying, processing and expressing their negative feelings and emotions. ”The Purple Banner” hopes to elucidate these troubling feelings and emotions by personifying them and making them comprehensible.
The Greenland
The Green Land – Book Cover
Alice Agada
Alice Agada
The healing process from traumatic experiences, and the journey to attain self-actualisation can be daunting and harrowing. “The Greenland” hopes to give motivation to individuals struggling with this situation, and enhance their determination to overcome their adversities, and strive to attain their potential.
The Royal Blue Cape
The Royal Blue Cape – Book Cover
Alice Agada
Alice Agada
Individuals that are making efforts to overcome their traumatic events and attain self-actualisation often experience confusion, low self-esteem, and an inability to wholly embody their found peace, confidence and admirable qualities. “The Royal Blue Cape” seeks to provide guidance and encouragement to these individuals, in order to assist them in incorporating the new and renewed qualities that they have gathered.
The Author of the Book Series
Alice Agada
Alice Agada
Alice Agada is devoted to alleviating the emotional and mental anguish that people endure from traumatic experiences, by providing assistance in their comprehension and processing of their negative feelings and emotions. She hopes to comfort them and soothe their anguish through thoughtful and impactful enlightenment that can be beneficial to their healing journey and their transformation from “victim” to “survivor”. She intends to promote the overall well-being of individuals through her endeavours in addressing distressing situations, and ushering a fresh perspective on social issues and concerns. Her objective is to inculcate a sense of humanitarianism in individuals all over the world.
We welcome you to embark on a transformative journey by immersing yourself in this captivating book series. Through interconnected narratives, Alice Agada delves into the depths of overcoming traumatic experiences and embracing personal growth.
Please note that the books are only available as a complete series and are not sold individually, as the books intertwine to create enlightening and uplifting narratives and perspectives. The books are to be read in this order; The Purple Banner, followed by The Greenland and then The Royal Blue Cape. Alice Agada believes in the power of storytelling to inspire and empower, and she wants you to experience this journey with her.
The soft copy of the book series is priced at $15, while the hard copy is priced at $25 (excluding delivery fee). To make a purchase, simply send an email to or reach out to our Foundation at (+234) 0815 189 9102. Our team will gladly assist you with payment and delivery details, ensuring a seamless process from payment to receiving your books.
Thank you for your interest, we look forward to sharing this amazing experience with you!